Self-Made Millionaire Sits China’s University Exams for 27th Time 

Students leave after their first exam during the first day of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), known as “gaokao”, in Nanjing, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on June 7, 2023. (AFP)
Students leave after their first exam during the first day of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), known as “gaokao”, in Nanjing, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on June 7, 2023. (AFP)

Self-Made Millionaire Sits China’s University Exams for 27th Time 

Students leave after their first exam during the first day of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), known as “gaokao”, in Nanjing, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on June 7, 2023. (AFP)
Students leave after their first exam during the first day of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), known as “gaokao”, in Nanjing, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on June 7, 2023. (AFP)

Among the millions of fresh-faced high schoolers sitting China's dreaded "gaokao" college entrance exam on Wednesday, Liang Shi sticks out like a sore thumb -- a grey-haired, self-made millionaire stubbornly taking the test for the 27th time.

Liang, 56, is no fool. He worked his way up from a menial job on a factory floor to establishing his own successful construction materials business.

But one dream has always eluded him: getting a high enough score on the notoriously grueling gaokao to study at the top-tier Sichuan University.

To compete with the nearly 13 million high school seniors taking the exam this year, Liang said he has been living "the life of an ascetic monk" for the past few months, rising just after dawn to furiously study textbooks for 12 hours a day.

"It's an uncomfortable thought that I didn't manage to get a college education," Liang told AFP.

"I really want to go to university and become an intellectual."

Over the past four decades, the Sichuan native has taken the gaokao 26 times but has consistently failed to get the required result to send him to his chosen university.

"They call me 'the gaokao holdout'," he said, proudly owning a mocking nickname given to him by local media.

For students, a good gaokao result can decide one's life trajectory, with a degree from an elite university conferring respect, status and better job opportunities.

Liang took the exam for the first time in 1983, when he was only 16.

He kept trying to boost his score for the next decade -- until he had to give up in 1992, as the test at that time was restricted to single people aged under 25.

As soon as those limits were lifted in 2001, Liang's desire for a prestigious college education was rekindled.

He has since taken the gaokao another 16 times, including every year since 2010 -- even when harsh zero-Covid restrictions made taking the exam more challenging than normal.

Online, some have questioned whether his apparent obsession is merely a publicity stunt.

"What for?" Liang retorted.

"No one in their right mind would spend decades taking the gaokao for a stunt."

He had to give up drinking and playing mahjong during the preparation period, he jokingly pointed out.

Liang's quest hasn't got much support from his son, who took the gaokao himself in 2011.

"At first he didn't approve, and now, he's just indifferent," Liang said.

Asked how he would celebrate once the test is over this weekend, he said he was planning to make up for lost fun.

"I'm going to play mahjong with my friends for three days and three nights."

Romania Seeks to Cull Nearly 500 Bears After Hiker Killed

A brown bear and her cub play on the road in the outskirts of Sinaia, 140 km north of Bucharest, June 15, 2009. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
A brown bear and her cub play on the road in the outskirts of Sinaia, 140 km north of Bucharest, June 15, 2009. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

Romania Seeks to Cull Nearly 500 Bears After Hiker Killed

A brown bear and her cub play on the road in the outskirts of Sinaia, 140 km north of Bucharest, June 15, 2009. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
A brown bear and her cub play on the road in the outskirts of Sinaia, 140 km north of Bucharest, June 15, 2009. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights

Romania's parliament approved the culling of almost 500 bears this year in a bid to control the protected species' "overpopulation" after a deadly hiker attack sparked nationwide outcry.

Romania is home to Europe's largest brown bear population outside of Russia with 8,000, according to the environment ministry.

Bears have killed 26 people and severely injured 274 others over the last 20 years in the southeastern European country, the ministry said earlier this year.

After a young hiker was mauled to death on a popular trail in Romania's Carpathian Mountains, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu summoned lawmakers back from their summer recess to attend an emergency session of parliament, AFP reported.

As well as adopting legislation to control the brown bear population, the parliament held a moment of silence in the 19-year-old hiker's memory.

The law adopted Monday authorizes the culling of 481 bears in 2024, more than twice last year's total of 220.

Lawmakers argued that the bears' "overpopulation" had led to an increase in attacks, while admitting that the law will not prevent attacks in the future.

But environmental groups have denounced the measure.

"The law solves absolutely nothing," World Wildlife Fund biologist Calin Ardelean told AFP, arguing that the focus should be shifted towards "prevention and intervention" as well as so-called "problem bears".

According to WWF Romania, culls will not remedy the problem unless measures are put in place to keep bears away from communities, such as better waste management or preventing people from feeding animals.

In 2023, about 7,500 emergency calls to signal bear sightings were recorded, more than double the previous year, according to data presented last week by Romanian authorities.