Self-Made Millionaire Sits China’s University Exams for 27th Time 

Students leave after their first exam during the first day of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), known as “gaokao”, in Nanjing, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on June 7, 2023. (AFP)
Students leave after their first exam during the first day of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), known as “gaokao”, in Nanjing, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on June 7, 2023. (AFP)

Self-Made Millionaire Sits China’s University Exams for 27th Time 

Students leave after their first exam during the first day of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), known as “gaokao”, in Nanjing, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on June 7, 2023. (AFP)
Students leave after their first exam during the first day of the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), known as “gaokao”, in Nanjing, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on June 7, 2023. (AFP)

Among the millions of fresh-faced high schoolers sitting China's dreaded "gaokao" college entrance exam on Wednesday, Liang Shi sticks out like a sore thumb -- a grey-haired, self-made millionaire stubbornly taking the test for the 27th time.

Liang, 56, is no fool. He worked his way up from a menial job on a factory floor to establishing his own successful construction materials business.

But one dream has always eluded him: getting a high enough score on the notoriously grueling gaokao to study at the top-tier Sichuan University.

To compete with the nearly 13 million high school seniors taking the exam this year, Liang said he has been living "the life of an ascetic monk" for the past few months, rising just after dawn to furiously study textbooks for 12 hours a day.

"It's an uncomfortable thought that I didn't manage to get a college education," Liang told AFP.

"I really want to go to university and become an intellectual."

Over the past four decades, the Sichuan native has taken the gaokao 26 times but has consistently failed to get the required result to send him to his chosen university.

"They call me 'the gaokao holdout'," he said, proudly owning a mocking nickname given to him by local media.

For students, a good gaokao result can decide one's life trajectory, with a degree from an elite university conferring respect, status and better job opportunities.

Liang took the exam for the first time in 1983, when he was only 16.

He kept trying to boost his score for the next decade -- until he had to give up in 1992, as the test at that time was restricted to single people aged under 25.

As soon as those limits were lifted in 2001, Liang's desire for a prestigious college education was rekindled.

He has since taken the gaokao another 16 times, including every year since 2010 -- even when harsh zero-Covid restrictions made taking the exam more challenging than normal.

Online, some have questioned whether his apparent obsession is merely a publicity stunt.

"What for?" Liang retorted.

"No one in their right mind would spend decades taking the gaokao for a stunt."

He had to give up drinking and playing mahjong during the preparation period, he jokingly pointed out.

Liang's quest hasn't got much support from his son, who took the gaokao himself in 2011.

"At first he didn't approve, and now, he's just indifferent," Liang said.

Asked how he would celebrate once the test is over this weekend, he said he was planning to make up for lost fun.

"I'm going to play mahjong with my friends for three days and three nights."

KFSHRC: Middle East's First In-Utero Endoscopic Surgery Corrects Fetal Spinal Cord Defect

Spina bifida is a common congenital defect worldwide, affecting 1 in every 1,000 to 2,000 births.  - AFP
Spina bifida is a common congenital defect worldwide, affecting 1 in every 1,000 to 2,000 births. - AFP

KFSHRC: Middle East's First In-Utero Endoscopic Surgery Corrects Fetal Spinal Cord Defect

Spina bifida is a common congenital defect worldwide, affecting 1 in every 1,000 to 2,000 births.  - AFP
Spina bifida is a common congenital defect worldwide, affecting 1 in every 1,000 to 2,000 births. - AFP

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center (KFSHRC) in Riyadh successfully performed life-changing surgery on a 26-week-old fetus correcting a congenital spinal defect. This pioneering procedure, the first of its kind in the Middle East, was carried out using fetal endoscopic surgery, providing the family with newfound hope and relief, according to SPA. The early intervention not only aims to enhance the baby's future health and development but also reduces the likelihood of complex surgeries after birth. The mother, who has shown remarkable resilience and strength, has been discharged in good health and will continue her pregnancy under careful medical supervision.
The medical team performed the intrauterine procedure to keep the fetus in the womb for the remainder of the pregnancy, enhancing its chances of healthy development. The operation involved the use of a fetal endoscope, creating three small incisions in the uterus, each no more than 2 millimeters, at the site of the fetus's back. The fetus was monitored using ultrasound throughout the surgery, and the congenital defect was successfully repaired, ensuring the spinal cord is now fully protected.
Commenting on this success, Dr. Saud Alshanafey, the lead surgeon and Director of the Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Program, stated, "This achievement reflects significant medical advancements in fetal surgery and highlights KFSHRC's commitment to providing the highest standards of healthcare to improve the quality of life for fetuses and their families in the Kingdom and beyond." He explained that the traditional approach for spina bifida involves performing surgery on the child after birth to prevent infections in the nervous system. However, this method may not completely prevent neurological complications arising from the exposure of the spinal cord during pregnancy.
Dr. Saud Alshanafey pointed out that the novelty of this procedure lies in repairing the congenital defect using a minimally invasive fetal endoscope through incisions no larger than 2 millimeters, avoiding the need to open the uterus, which positively impacts the health of the mother and the pregnancy.
Spina bifida is a common congenital defect worldwide, affecting 1 in every 1,000 to 2,000 births. It results in the exposure of the spinal cord to amniotic fluid, affecting the nerves of the lower limbs, bladder, and lower digestive system, potentially accompanied by hydrocephalus, leading to movement disorders, neurological dysfunctions, and urinary issues.
Spina bifida occurs when the spine and spinal cord do not form properly in the fetus due to the incomplete closure of the neural tube, which is responsible for developing the fetal brain, spinal cord, and associated tissues during the early weeks of pregnancy.
It is noteworthy that King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre has been ranked first in the Middle East and Africa and 20th globally, in the list of the world's top 250 Academic Medical Centres for the second consecutive year and recognized as the most valuable healthcare brand in the Kingdom and the Middle East, according to the 2024 Brand Finance rankings. Additionally, in the same year, it was ranked among the world's best 250 hospitals by Newsweek magazine.