'Scent of Eternity' Used in Ancient Egyptian Mummification Recreated

Sarcophagi found in a cache dating to the Egyptian Late Period
(around the fifth century B.C.) are displayed after their discovery by
a mission headed by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, at the
Bubastian cemetery at the Saqqara necropolis, Cairo, Egypt, May 30,
2022. (AFP Photo)
Sarcophagi found in a cache dating to the Egyptian Late Period (around the fifth century B.C.) are displayed after their discovery by a mission headed by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, at the Bubastian cemetery at the Saqqara necropolis, Cairo, Egypt, May 30, 2022. (AFP Photo)

'Scent of Eternity' Used in Ancient Egyptian Mummification Recreated

Sarcophagi found in a cache dating to the Egyptian Late Period
(around the fifth century B.C.) are displayed after their discovery by
a mission headed by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, at the
Bubastian cemetery at the Saqqara necropolis, Cairo, Egypt, May 30,
2022. (AFP Photo)
Sarcophagi found in a cache dating to the Egyptian Late Period (around the fifth century B.C.) are displayed after their discovery by a mission headed by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, at the Bubastian cemetery at the Saqqara necropolis, Cairo, Egypt, May 30, 2022. (AFP Photo)

Researchers have recreated what they're describing as the "scent of eternity" once deemed fit for an Ancient Egyptian noblewoman.

Beeswax, plant oil, and tree resin were among the ingredients that made up the aroma more than 3,500 years ago, which was used during the mummification of a woman named Senetnay, according to Sky News.

Fast-forward from 1450 BCE to 2023, and the unique smell has been developed again using advanced analytical techniques that can separate chemicals and identify what they're created from.

In this case, a team analyzed balm residues found in two jars used during the mummification of Senetnay.

They were excavated from a tomb in Egypt's Valley of the Kings more than a century ago, and are now housed in Germany's August Kestner Museum.

The balms were found to have been made using a blend of beeswax, plant oil, fats, bitumen, a balsamic substance, and several resins.

Egyptologist Christian Loeben, a curator at the museum, said the work offered not just an understanding of the "sophisticated mummification process", but the ancient civilization’s trade routes.

'Key member of pharaoh's inner circle'

Professor Nicole Boivin, senior researcher on the project, said: "The ingredients in the balm make it clear that the ancient Egyptians were sourcing materials from beyond their realm from an early date. The number of imported ingredients in her balm also highlights Senetnay's importance as a key member of the pharaoh's inner circle."

French perfumer Carole Calvez worked with the researchers to recreate the scent, which will be presented at Denmark's Moesgaard Museum.

The team, led by Barbara Huber, said they hoped it will provide an "immersive, multisensory experience" to visitors, bringing the mystique of Ancient Egyptian mummification to the modern day

Tools Made from Elephant, Hippo Bones Show Ingenuity of Human Ancestors

A bone tool made from a 1.5-million-year-old elephant bone discovered at the Olduvai Gorge site in Tanzania is seen in this picture released on March 5, 2025. Pleistocene Archaeology Lab/Handout via REUTERS
A bone tool made from a 1.5-million-year-old elephant bone discovered at the Olduvai Gorge site in Tanzania is seen in this picture released on March 5, 2025. Pleistocene Archaeology Lab/Handout via REUTERS

Tools Made from Elephant, Hippo Bones Show Ingenuity of Human Ancestors

A bone tool made from a 1.5-million-year-old elephant bone discovered at the Olduvai Gorge site in Tanzania is seen in this picture released on March 5, 2025. Pleistocene Archaeology Lab/Handout via REUTERS
A bone tool made from a 1.5-million-year-old elephant bone discovered at the Olduvai Gorge site in Tanzania is seen in this picture released on March 5, 2025. Pleistocene Archaeology Lab/Handout via REUTERS

An assemblage of tools found in Tanzania that was fashioned about 1.5 million years ago from the limb bones of elephants and hippos reveals what scientists are calling a technological breakthrough for the human evolutionary lineage - systematic production of implements made from a material other than stone.

The 27 tools, discovered at a rich paleoanthropological site called Olduvai Gorge, were probably created by Homo erectus, an early human species with body proportions similar to our species Homo sapiens, according to the researchers.

The implements, which were up to 15 inches (37.5 cm) long and came in a variety of sharp and heavy-duty forms, may have been used for purposes including butchering animal carcasses for food, they said, Reuters reported.

The adoption of tools heralded the dawn of technology, and the oldest-known stone tools date to at least 3.3 million years ago. There have been examples of sporadic use of tools made from bone dating to about 2 million years ago, but the Olduvai Gorge discovery represents the earliest example of systematic production of such implements - by about 1.1 million years.

The Olduvai Gorge bone tools were found alongside various stone implements made around the same time.

The addition of bone implements to the human tool kit was an important moment, according to the researchers, reflecting cognitive advances and growing technological skills as well as a recognition that animals can provide a source not only of meat but of raw materials.

"Precise anatomical knowledge and understanding of bone morphology and structure is suggested by preference given to thick limb bones," said archeologist Ignacio de la Torre of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), lead author of the study published on Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Limb bones are the densest and strongest kind.

Olduvai Gorge cuts through the southeastern plains of the Serengeti region in northern Tanzania. At the time these tools were created, our ancestors lived a precarious hunter-gatherer existence on a landscape teeming with wildlife. Tools of various types - for instance, for cutting and pounding - were of increasing importance for hominins, the name referring to the bipedal species in the human evolutionary lineage.

The hominins who made the Olduvai Gorge bone tools used a technique similar to how stone tools are made - chipping away small flakes to form sharp edges in a process called knapping.

"The study indicates our ancestors used subtly different techniques to create tools from different materials. This suggests a level of cognitive ability that we previously lacked evidence for during that period," said University College London archaeological conservator and study co-author Renata Peters.

"For instance, when they knapped the tools we examined, the bone was likely to still contain some collagen and water. Collagen provides elasticity to the bone, making it softer to knap - shape - than stone. However, bone can also break if struck too forcefully," Peters said.

Collagen is a fibrous protein that serves as the main structural component of bones, as well as muscles and skin.

In addition, the outer layers of bone are tough, while the inner layers - composed of a spongy material - are softer.

"These characteristics mean that working bone demands different skills from working stone or wood, for example," Peters said.

Wood is less durable than either stone or bone. Any wooden tools from this time period likely would have decomposed long ago.

The sheer number of tools - bone and stone - found at the site suggests hominins visited there regularly. The tools date to a transition period between simple tools called Oldowan technology and more advanced ones called Acheulean technology including the likes of handaxes.

All but one of the 27 tools were made from elephant or hippo bone. Hippos were common in the area but elephants were not, meaning their bones were probably carried to Olduvai Gorge from elsewhere, according to the researchers.

No ancient human fossils were found at the site. While Homo erectus is the leading candidate as the maker of the bone tools, another more archaic hominin species, called Paranthropus boisei, also is known to have inhabited the region at the time.

"There is no direct evidence of who made the bone tools," de la Torre said.