Algeria Seeks to Become an Investment ‘Gateway’ in Africa

Meeting at the 2nd Russia-Africa Summit (Russian Presidency)
Meeting at the 2nd Russia-Africa Summit (Russian Presidency)

Algeria Seeks to Become an Investment ‘Gateway’ in Africa

Meeting at the 2nd Russia-Africa Summit (Russian Presidency)
Meeting at the 2nd Russia-Africa Summit (Russian Presidency)

Algeria pledged during the Second Russia-Africa Summit, which concluded its work in St. Petersburg, to become an investment gateway for Russian investors to enter the continent.

It advocated for a solid and profitable African-Russian partnership for both parties and the emergence of a fair international system.

The Algerian Prime Minister, Aymen Benabderrahmane, affirmed on the summit's sidelines that his country's positive development indicators in recent years make it the gateway to Africa within the strategic partnership with Russia.

Benabderrahmane pointed out that President Abdelmadjid Tebboune's visit to Russia in mid-June pushed the bilateral relations further.

During the visit, the two countries launched a strategic partnership covering many sectors, including renewable energies.

On Thursday, Russian Energy Minister Nikolay Shulginov announced a partnership with Algeria to produce two million cubic meters of gas daily, starting in 2026.

Shulginov said that Gazprom plans to start the production of hydrocarbons in the el-Assel area in Algeria in 2026.

Benabderrahmane stated that Algeria and Moscow are working on an approach developed by the two Presidents to move towards consolidating a deep partnership, noting that his country is Russia's second trading partner in Africa.

The PM stressed that the most crucial indicator recorded by the Algerian economy is the rise in per capita income to $4,800, while the gross domestic product was estimated at $255 billion, with a growth rate that may exceed five percent in 2023.

He explained that the positive indicators resulted from the economic dynamism, including the state measures and the new investment law, which approved projects worth more than $7.2 billion and will enable the creation of 50,000 jobs.

In a meeting with Algerian investors at an economic exhibition in St. Petersburg, the Prime Minister discussed investing in various sectors and opportunities offered by the national economy, especially in services.

He referred to Algeria's outstanding capabilities, especially in tourism and digital technologies, which create wealth and jobs, stressing that authorities took several incentive measures in favor of exporting institutions.

Officials in Algeria aspire to reach $13 billion in non-hydrocarbon exports, and the government aims to use food, agricultural, and start-up companies to increase exports.

At the summit, Benabderrahmane read a speech on behalf of Tebboune stating that Algeria looks forward to building a strong African-Russian, mutually beneficial partnership for the emergence of a just international order that respects the principles of international law and multilateralism.

Algeria is making significant efforts to support development in the continent, especially in reducing indebtedness and developing infrastructure in many of its countries, said the Prime Minister, noting that lowering debt allows African countries to overcome a significant obstacle and benefit from new funds.

Canada Urges Israel to Reverse Decision to Approve New West Bank Settlements

This picture taken  on June 28, 2024 , shows a view of construction cranes at Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish settlement in the Israeli-annexed eastern sector of Jerusalem. (Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP)
This picture taken on June 28, 2024 , shows a view of construction cranes at Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish settlement in the Israeli-annexed eastern sector of Jerusalem. (Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP)

Canada Urges Israel to Reverse Decision to Approve New West Bank Settlements

This picture taken  on June 28, 2024 , shows a view of construction cranes at Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish settlement in the Israeli-annexed eastern sector of Jerusalem. (Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP)
This picture taken on June 28, 2024 , shows a view of construction cranes at Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish settlement in the Israeli-annexed eastern sector of Jerusalem. (Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP)

Canada on Monday urged the Israeli government to reverse a decision to approve new settlement outposts in the West Bank, saying the move was in contravention of international law.

"Canada firmly opposes the government of Israel’s decision to approve new settlements in the West Bank. Unilateral actions, such as financially weakening the Palestinian Authority and expanding settlements is in contravention of international law," the Canadian foreign ministry said in a statement on social media X.

Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in over three decades and advanced plans to build thousands of new settlement homes, according to Peace Now, an Israeli anti-settlement monitoring group. They are the latest steps by Israel’s hard-line government meant to cement Israel’s control over the territory and prevent the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

The international community considers the settlements illegal or illegitimate, and the Palestinians say they are the main barrier to a lasting peace agreement.
But with more than 500,000 Israeli settlers living in the West Bank, it will be difficult – some say impossible – to partition the territory as part of a two-state solution.