Saudi Arabia Welcomes 3 European Countries’ Decision to Recognize State of Palestine

Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine. (SPA)
Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Welcomes 3 European Countries’ Decision to Recognize State of Palestine

Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine. (SPA)
Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine.

The move “reflects the international consensus over the right of the Palestinian people to determine their fate,” it said.

It called on remaining countries to follow in their footsteps, which should help lead the way to a “trusted irreversible path that achieves just and lasting peace that secures the rights of the Palestinian people.”

The Kingdom underscored its call on the “international community, especially permanent members of the United Nations Security Council that have not yet recognized a Palestinian state, of the importance to do so.”

It reiterated that such a state should be based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) also welcomed the recognition of the state of Palestine.

GCC Secretary General Jassem Mohamed Albudaiwi said the move is a “pivotal and strategic” step forward in implementing the two-state solution.

It also provides strong motivation for all countries to take similar steps, which will pave the way for the Palestinian people “to obtain all of their rights and live in peace after several years of oppression and dangerous violations under Israeli occupation.”

Albudaiwi called on the entire international community to “play their part in supporting the Palestinian people so that they can obtain their right of the establishment of an independent state.”

Pilgrims Converge at Mount Arafat for Daylong Worship

15 June 2024, Saudi Arabia, Makkah: Pilgrims pray on Mount Arafat during the Hajj pilgrimage. Photo: Saudi Press Agency
15 June 2024, Saudi Arabia, Makkah: Pilgrims pray on Mount Arafat during the Hajj pilgrimage. Photo: Saudi Press Agency

Pilgrims Converge at Mount Arafat for Daylong Worship

15 June 2024, Saudi Arabia, Makkah: Pilgrims pray on Mount Arafat during the Hajj pilgrimage. Photo: Saudi Press Agency
15 June 2024, Saudi Arabia, Makkah: Pilgrims pray on Mount Arafat during the Hajj pilgrimage. Photo: Saudi Press Agency

Muslims from around the world congregated Saturday at a sacred hill in Saudi Arabia for worship and reflection.

The ritual at Mount Arafat, known as the hill of mercy, is considered the peak of the Hajj pilgrimage. It is often the most memorable for pilgrims, who stand together asking God for mercy, blessings, prosperity and good health. The hill is about 20 kilometers southeast of Makkah.

Thousands of pilgrims walked there through the predawn darkness. On the slopes of the rocky hill and the surrounding area, many raised their hands in worship with tears streaming down their faces.

Most of the pilgrims at Mount Arafat carried umbrellas, while others sat in the shade. And, as at Mina and the Grand Mosque, cooling stations on the roads leading to the hill and in its surrounding areas sprayed pilgrims with water to help fight the heat, which had already climbed to 47C at Mount Arafat, according to Saudi metrological authorities.

Pilgrims will next travel nearby to a site known as Muzdalifa to collect pebbles that they will use in the symbolic stoning of pillars representing the devil back in Mina. Many walk, while others use buses.

Pilgrims then return to Mina for three days, coinciding with the festive Eid al-Adha holiday. Afterward, they return to Makkah for a final circumambulation, known as Farewell Tawaf.