New Technique to Help Feel Pain in Virtual Reality

An employee sits inside a virtual reality connected car cockpit
built by Segula Technologies during the first press day ahead of the
85th International Motor Show in Geneva March 3, 2015. (Photo by Arnd
An employee sits inside a virtual reality connected car cockpit built by Segula Technologies during the first press day ahead of the 85th International Motor Show in Geneva March 3, 2015. (Photo by Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters)

New Technique to Help Feel Pain in Virtual Reality

An employee sits inside a virtual reality connected car cockpit
built by Segula Technologies during the first press day ahead of the
85th International Motor Show in Geneva March 3, 2015. (Photo by Arnd
An employee sits inside a virtual reality connected car cockpit built by Segula Technologies during the first press day ahead of the 85th International Motor Show in Geneva March 3, 2015. (Photo by Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters)

After a quantum leap in the digital tech industry over the two past decades, many of us sarcastically said: "The only thing we still miss is the ability to share a meal with the characters in a movie, or to feel what they feel."

However, it seems that the technological progress knows no sarcasm. All the imaginary ideas that people have now, or those they didn't have yet, may soon become a reality that we live.

This is at least what the modern innovations taught us. A team from the Tomsk State University in Russia, announced it has designed a new device that allows humans to feel the "beats," "burns," and even "tinkling" in virtual reality. According to a press release by the university, the new technique can be used in video games.

In addition, the researchers are currently developing their technique so it allows people to feel illusory motions, like when a mosquito settles on their skin or someone draws on their bodies, for instance.

The research team cited several devices that are currently used to transmit the sense of pain in virtual reality; these devices have a wearable skeleton-like structure that transmits the "sense" to the muscles through electric stimulation.

The researchers say the new device is based on the same concept, but it targets the skin without exposing the muscles to an electric pulse.

Researcher Andre Kostornoy, supervisor of the new innovation, said: "The new device affects a precise area of the skin," and stressed "the need for personal settings for each user based on his level of resistance to electrical pulses."

He explained that the principle adopted in the transfer of sensation is based on the same mechanism of brain function. It processes the signal coming from the skin, thereby obtaining a sense of touch, and draws the image of the material or device that comes into contact with the skin at the right moment.

Kostornoy said his team is working on improving the performance of the device so it becomes able to induce a sense of interaction with movements, objects, and characters, like "feeling the touch of another person's palm, for example."

The researcher said "developing this device is a promising achievement that would help control robots through signals communication."

Scientists Detect Longest Pair of Jets Streaming from Supermassive Black Hole

This undated artist’s impression illustrates how it might look when a star approaches too close to a black hole, where the star is squeezed by the intense gravitational pull of the black hole. ESO/M.Kornmesser/Handout via REUTERS
This undated artist’s impression illustrates how it might look when a star approaches too close to a black hole, where the star is squeezed by the intense gravitational pull of the black hole. ESO/M.Kornmesser/Handout via REUTERS

Scientists Detect Longest Pair of Jets Streaming from Supermassive Black Hole

This undated artist’s impression illustrates how it might look when a star approaches too close to a black hole, where the star is squeezed by the intense gravitational pull of the black hole. ESO/M.Kornmesser/Handout via REUTERS
This undated artist’s impression illustrates how it might look when a star approaches too close to a black hole, where the star is squeezed by the intense gravitational pull of the black hole. ESO/M.Kornmesser/Handout via REUTERS

Scientists have discovered the longest pair of jets streaming from a black hole in a distant galaxy.
The jets shooting hot plasma are the largest ever spotted – about as long as 140 Milky Way galaxies lined up end-to-end.
“This one has managed to reach a size that’s so big,” said Eileen Meyer, who studies black holes at University of Maryland, Baltimore County and who was not involved in the study.
The discovery, made using images from a European radio telescope, was reported Wednesday in the journal Nature, The Associated Press said.
Black holes eat most space debris that falls their way. Sometimes, heated-up plasma makes a narrow escape by spewing out in thin, high-energy jets.
The jets can break apart soon after their creation, jostled by space turbulence or starved in the absence of new matter. But jets from supermassive black holes can become supersized.
The latest combined jets from a faraway supermassive black hole are around 23 million light-years long. That’s about 7 million light-years longer than the previous recordholder. A light-year is 5.8 trillion miles.
Study co-author Martijn Oei said researchers weren’t expecting to find long black hole jets so early in the universe’s history. The jets date back to when the universe was less than half its current age.
Studying the jets could reveal whether they had an influence on how the early universe came to be, said Oei with the California Institute of Technology.