Saudi Arabia, Morocco Sign MoC on Public Prosecution

Morocco’s Attorney General and President of the Public Ministry, el-Hassan al-Daki, with the Saudi Attorney General, Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah al-Mujib (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Morocco’s Attorney General and President of the Public Ministry, el-Hassan al-Daki, with the Saudi Attorney General, Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah al-Mujib (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia, Morocco Sign MoC on Public Prosecution

Morocco’s Attorney General and President of the Public Ministry, el-Hassan al-Daki, with the Saudi Attorney General, Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah al-Mujib (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Morocco’s Attorney General and President of the Public Ministry, el-Hassan al-Daki, with the Saudi Attorney General, Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah al-Mujib (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Morocco’s Attorney General and President of the Public Ministry, el-Hassan al-Daki, has met with the Saudi Attorney General, Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah al-Mujib, and his accompanying delegation and signed a memorandum of cooperation (MoC) between their respective Public Prosecutions.

The agreement aimed to promote investigations of money laundering and transnational organized crimes and visits in addition to holding several conferences and seminars.

It also included cooperation in scientific publishing, research, and studies, exchanging expertise, training, and information technology.

Daki received Mujib at the Public Prosecution Office in Rabat and discussed with him common concerns. The talks aimed at supporting ways of cooperation between the two countries, in both the judicial and technical aspects, in combating organized crime and all new forms of crime, especially money laundering.

The meeting was an opportunity to highlight the development of the judicial system in Morocco and the outstanding Moroccan experience in the independence of the judiciary and Public Prosecution.

The Saudi Ambassador to Rabat, Abdullah bin Saad al-Ghurairy, the Saudi delegation, and judicial officials headed by the Public Prosecution Office in Morocco attended the signing ceremony.

The Saudi Attorney General is visiting Morocco until Feb. 16.

OIC Condemns Israeli Military Attack on Iran

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned Israel’s colonial practices. (SPA)
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned Israel’s colonial practices. (SPA)

OIC Condemns Israeli Military Attack on Iran

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned Israel’s colonial practices. (SPA)
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned Israel’s colonial practices. (SPA)

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly condemned the Israeli military attack against Iran describing it as a flagrant violation of its sovereignty and international law, the Saudi Press Agency said on Sunday.
In a press release, the OIC reaffirmed its stance against any escalation that could further destabilize the region, calling on the international community and influential actors to work toward reducing tensions and putting an end to the cycle of violence.
OIC reiterated its firm position and called for an immediate and urgent halt to the Israeli aggression in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon.
On Saturday, Israeli warplanes hit several military targets in Iran in retaliation for an Iranian ballistic missile attack on Israel earlier this month.