Dr. Abdelhak Azzouzi

Dr. Abdelhak Azzouzi

The Brink of an Expansive War and the Absence of Strategic Containment

When we teach military strategy to university students, we do not solely focus on questions of superiority and military actions using tanks, airplanes, and missiles. Strategic containment is often crucial for effectiveness and achieving results. Here, I ask observers, specialists, and decision…

The Labyrinth of the Lost

The latest book of Amin Maalouf, the Lebanese author and Permanent Secretary of the French Academy, which was recently published by the prestigious French publishing house, Edition Grasset, is a must-read. “The Labyrinth of the Lost: The West and Its Enemies” examines the current manifestation of…

Decisions on the Brink

When United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing and gave his speech, it became clearer than ever to strategists and observers of international relations that the region and the international order are fragile. International organizations…