Emile Ameen

The Palestinian State and the Meanings of Recognitions

While the Netanyahu government maintains its plans, not responding to any humanitarian calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, international recognition of the Palestinian state continues. When Norway, Spain, and Ireland announce their intention to recognize the Palestinian state, in the midst…

Crocus… A World on the Brink of DEFCON 

Did someone send a message sealed with blood to the tzar who had just won a fifth term and 87 percent of the vote? It seems so. What is more clear is that the elected president of Russia is thought to be reinforcing the idea of a multipolar world order and putting the notion of a new world…

Biden… State of the Union or Campaign Speech?

It might be too early to assess how Americans see the State of the Union address that President Biden delivered last Thursday evening. However, many had the first question after his speech was over: "Did he just give a speech on the State of the Union, or was it a campaign speech he hopes can help…

The Era of Chaos and the Century of History’s Vengeance

In his most recent address to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he outlined his priorities for 2024, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that “the world is entering an era of chaos." He pointed to the deep divisions in the Security Council, which have left it incapable of…

Saudi Arabia and Its Biotechnology Strategy

A few days ago, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced the Kingdom’s National Biotechnology Strategy, which can be considered a new initiative of Vision 2030. The strategy aims to turn Saudi Arabia into a biotechnology pioneer in the Middle East and North Africa by the end of this decade…

The Russian Legion and African Chessboard

Was Tsar Putin inspired by the idea of the “Afrika Korps”, whose creation Fuhrer Hitler ordered in January 1941, and handed over its command to the “Desert Fox”, Field Marshal Rommel? Within the circles of geopolitical conflict around the world, there is talk of the military corps that Russia…

The Houthis and the Americans: Confrontation or Collusion

Will history repeat itself? Will we see the US or the international community do anything in response to the recent attacks by the Houthis, who have been threatening international navigation through the Bab al-Mandab Strait? It is inconceivable for Washington, in particular, to stand idly by amid…

‘Expo 2030’... Saudi Diplomacy’s Dynamic Victories

Saudi Arabia has won the bid to organize the oldest and most prestigious international exhibition, the 2030 World Expo, which was first held in London in 1852. This event has drawn a lot of deep discussions that go beyond the glee following the announcement and victory. Riyadh has achieved this…

Russia and Africa… Concealed Pragmatism

With the Russia-Africa Summit in Saint Petersburg having drawn to a close, many fundamental questions remain unanswered. First and foremost: “Did Tzar Putin manage to win over the African leaders in one go, or did the talks definitively dispel illusions that Russia operates differently than the US,…

The Jeddah Summit… A Ray of Hope and Renewal

The thirty-second Arab Summit currently underway in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is doubtlessly among the most consequential Summits of the past three decades. Indeed, it is defined by a preconceived forward-looking vision for bringing the ships of the Arab world to safe waters during these turbulent…