Dr. Nassif Hitti

Iran’s Nuclear Program Returns to the Fore

The question of reviving the "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" (JCPOA) or the P6+1 Agreement (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, as well as the European Union) and Iran, has returned to the fore. Concluded on July 14, 2015, after years of negotiations, the…

Four Scenarios for The Day After in Gaza

The Palestinian struggle is at the forefront of the regional priorities agenda after a years-long absence that resulted from the need to put out the many other fires that have broken out. The Palestinian question has now become the most pressing and volatile concern in the region following Israel's…

The Arab Summit… The Day After

Along with many others, I underlined the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to resolving the Palestinian issue on the eve of the 33rd Arab League Summit. This effort requires holding an international conference attended by all the international and regional actors who yield influence in…

Gaza War and Challenges to the Needed Solution

The Gaza War - or Israel's genocidal war on Gaza - has been raging for three months now. The intensity of this war and the range of ways it could develop have brought the Palestinian question back to the forefront of pressing regional issues, and has thus had ramifications for the region and the…

The Second Round of the War on Gaza and its Horizons

The second round of the Israeli war on Gaza began after a week-long ceasefire. It continues after two months. The Israeli leadership, although it is unwilling to publicly admit this, realizes that it has fallen captive to the unattainable goals to obliterate Hamas it had set. The war rages on…

The Messages of the NATO Summit

The NATO summit held on July 11 and 12 sent many messages. The first was sent through the choice of location. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, the first republic to declare its independence and withdraw from the Soviet Union, on March 11, 1970. The other Soviet republics born from the…

Will We See a New Regional Order?

In a previous article, we asked whether a new regional order awaited us in the Middle East after paths of normalization had begun to be paved in the region. These paths are being taken at divergent speeds, with the factors governing each normalization process and their mediation mechanisms…

Illegal Migration is Among the Primary Challenges Facing the World

Illegal migration is a global challenge that has grown in scale for a number of reasons. At the top of the list, of course, are the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic and the negative implications it has had for various parts of the world, albeit to different degrees decided by the extent to…

Security Council Reforms Under Discussion Again

The current session of the United Nations General Assembly saw a resurgence of talk about the need to reform the Security Council. This is undoubtedly due to the intensifying international challenges and dangers from the Ukrainian war which is open to the worst possible scenarios, to the various…

What Hope is There for a Nuclear Deal?

The current state of the nuclear deal negotiations (Also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) between Iran and the P5+1 could best be described as an “uneasy stalemate.” The attempts to build bridges following the US withdrawal from the agreement during Trump’s term (May 2018), after…